
Monday, Mar 29 2021

March 29, 2021

GraphQL crash course

That's it. I've had it.

March 28, 2020

I'm going Windows.

Hello Anxiety, it's me, Brain.

February 22, 2020

Dealing With Guilt On Vacation

WP Install. What's changed since I started web dev?

January 29, 2020

Turns out, not much.

Free Writing Prompt-01.26.20

January 26, 2020

Imagine you had an alter ego.

Terror, thy name is exam

January 22, 2020

I think one of the worst trends of this new digital world is the advent of the software engineer exam. It's a constant moving target that…

Another Standard Tuesday

January 21, 2020

Big exciting news I found out some big exciting news that I can't share just yet, but will alter my life entirely. A big part of the garden…

A Standard Tuesday

January 14, 2020

Morning Several explainer videos about GraphQL, and the Prisma library that connects MySQL to a GraphQL layer. A lot of talk about servers…

Learning Something New Today!

January 13, 2020

The deadline is alive! In an attempt to be more dedicated to learning more completely, I've decided to really revamp how exactly I learn by…

Beauty should be shared

January 09, 2020

Really this is just an example for me to figure out how to use this template If you're looking at this, stop. and more No really. that's…

How to Write when you're sick

January 09, 2020

Just start writing I have a really hard time writing. It gets to the point that I have to trick myself into getting in front of a keyboard…

A start to a digital garden

January 05, 2020

Start with bulbs and then wait I'm trying my hardest to become more prolific in terms of writing about certain topics

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